Mobile Installation

This section is helping you how to getting start and run mobile application with your computer

After unzip the download package, you’ll found a source folder with all the files. The main source code for mobile application is here. Please see image below.

Mobile source code

1. Run with Android

  • First, Please use your Android Studio (4.0.1 or last version)
  • Android SKD: Please check your Android Studio has installed the latest SDK. This installs the latest Android SDK, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Build-Tools, which are required by Flutter when developing for Android
  • Make sure you already set up the Android emulator (
  • Open Android Studio > Open an existing Android Studio project > Select folder ./source
Listar FluxPro – Android Setup
  • Set up the Android emulator if you haven’t added emulator yet
  • Select simulator device for run
  • Select > Pub get
  • Select > Pub upgrade
  • Select > Flutter doctor for tracking issue before going to build app
  • Select for run and wait for get the result

Or you can use terminal and access to the folder ./source (main source code) then run the command

flutter clean
flutter doctor -v
flutter upgrade
flutter pub get
flutter run

2. Run with iOS

Before you run Listar FluxPro project, please make sure you have followed the guideline for Ios

Open your terminal and access to the folder ./source (main source code) then run the command

open -a Simulator  
flutter clean
flutter doctor -v
flutter upgrade
flutter pub get
flutter run 
Listar FluxPro – Ios Setup

The mobile application is connecting to default domain

Please check document [APIs] for change application to your domain.