Does the project include backend and connect APIs ?
Yes, It’s using WordPress for backend & data management.
Checkout Backend Installation steps
Do I have to pay more to use the backend/admin page ?
No, you don’t have to pay any extra cost for use admin page. PassionUI Team has taken many effort develop Listar – Directory Listing & Classifieds WordPress Plugin.
The backend is using for Free. It’s compatible with Listar FluxPro mobile application and included the download source code
Can I get full source code and modify it ?
Yes, after user purchased then user can get full source code.
The download package has included: full source code Flutter, documents & WordPress Backend source code. All in one
User can free modify after purchased and downloaded
Can I release the app to both iOS and Android?
Yes, this app is made by Flutter framework which support to release for both iOS and Android, please discover more the framework from
Will I get the free upgrade on next coming version ?
Yes, you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming. You will get the notify email for new version update on stores.