
Font Family

The default font family name “Raleway” are being used for this template. If you need change or a custom font to be the prettiest? You’ll need the .ttf files for all supported styles (thin, ultraLight, light, regular, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black …). Here are the few steps you need to add it.

Add more font family in folder ./app/assets/fonts/..

Example: Download and add more font Roboto [download here]

After added new font, open your terminal and run

cd ./source/
npx react-native link

Change default font name (You can keep default font and add more prop with new font).
Open file ./app/config/theme.js

 * Define list font use for whole application
export const FontSupport = ['Raleway', 'Roboto', 'Merriweather'];

 * Define font default use for whole application
export const DefaultFont = 'Raleway';


The template are using color palette following format by image below

Felix Travel – Color Palette

You can change the theme prop dynamically and all the components will automatically update to reflect the new theme. Open file ./app/config/theme.js

 * Define Const color use for whole application
export const BaseColor = {
  grayColor: '#9B9B9B',
  dividerColor: '#BDBDBD',
  whiteColor: '#FFFFFF',
  fieldColor: '#F5F5F5',
  yellowColor: '#FDC60A',
  navyBlue: '#3C5A99',
  kashmir: '#5D6D7E',
  orangeColor: '#E5634D',
  blueColor: '#5DADE2',
  pinkColor: '#A569BD',
  greenColor: '#58D68D',
  yellowColor: '#FDC60A',

The main color palettes following properties:

  • BaseColor (object)
    • primaryColor
    • darkPrimaryColor
    • lightPrimaryColor
    • accentColor
    • textPrimaryColor
    • textSecondaryColor

If you want to customize colors or for matching with your business colors. Just refer more with websites below for pickup right color palettes


To maintain clean and consistent typography your application, we support define main StyleSheet following ./app/config/typography.js

export const Typography = StyleSheet.create({
  header: {
    fontSize: 34,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  title1: {
    fontSize: 28,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  title2: {
    fontSize: 22,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  title3: {
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  headline: {
    fontSize: 17,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  body1: {
    fontSize: 17,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  body2: {
    fontSize: 14,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  callout: {
    fontSize: 17,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  subhead: {
    fontSize: 15,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  footnote: {
    fontSize: 13,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  caption1: {
    fontSize: 12,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  caption2: {
    fontSize: 11,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular
  overline: {
    fontSize: 10,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.regular

How to use common StyleSheet for other StyleSheet ?

import { BaseColor, Typography, FontWeight } from "@config";  
export default StyleSheet.create({     
    textDefault: {  
        ...Typography.headline, // Typography > headline   
        color: BaseColor.whiteColor,  
        fontWeight: FontWeight.semibold  


To maintain clean and consistent font weight your application, we support define common font weight following ./app/config/typography.js

 * Fontweight setting
 * - This font weight will be used for style of screens where needed
 * - Check more how to use font weight with url below
 * @url
export const FontWeight = {
  thin: "100",
  ultraLight: "200",
  light: "300",
  regular: "400",
  medium: "500",
  semibold: "600",
  bold: "700",
  heavy: "800",
  black: "900"

How to use common FontWeight for other StyleSheet ?

import { BaseColor, Typography, FontWeight } from "@config";  
export default StyleSheet.create({     
    textDefault: {  
        color: BaseColor.whiteColor,  
        fontWeight: FontWeight.semibold // FontWeight > semibold   