Access your WordPress CMS backend then navigate to Listar > Add New in your left sidebar. Now you can start adding specific information about the Directory Listing in the fields data section below
Basic Information
Title: This is name of Directory Listing item
Permalink: This is URL detail when you access the Directory Listing item. It will be generated automatically base on the title value. You also can change this value with other one.
Excerpt: This is short description with simple text field without using TextEditor. This field will be use as the content display for the mobile app. In the mobile app, we won’t use content of the TextEditor for display.
Description: The content of Directory Listing item
Featured Image: This is main image for display on the web or mobile application. Select from the right side of the form > Document > Featured Image
Address: This information include Country/State/City, Street and Postal Code. If you can’t find any value from the select box Country, please refer how to Add the Location
Phone: This contact number if the item
Fax: This fax number of the item
Email: This email address of the item
Website: This URL website of the item
Color: This color of the item. It’s not required
Icon: This icon of the item. It’s not required
Status: This status of the item and free input text. You can input like: Always Open, Closed, Open 24/7 …
Date Established: This addition information. It’s the date made
Price Range: Input the value with integer for Max and Min value. With the unit, you can change by access the menu Listar > Settings > General > Unit Price
Addition Information
Categories: One item can belong with many categories. Please access from the right side of the form > Categories section and select by the checkbox. You also can add Add New Category in there. Please refer more how to Add New Category
Features: One item can belong with many features. Please access from the right side of the form > Features section and select by the checkbox. You also can add Add New Feature in there. Please refer more how to Add New Feature
Schedule: It is also called Open Hour fields. Please access from the right side of the form > Schedule and define the period of time from Monday to Sunday. If one day have more than one period of time, please select the plus icon for add more the data.
Social Network: Please access from the right side of the form > Social Network section. With define with common field for the social network. If the data is empty, it won’t be showed on web or mobile app
Galleries: The item need more than one image, so you can add more image via the Galleries field. Please select the button Add/Edit Galleries for upload and select images. It’s unlimited select images, but we recommend select from 8-10 images for best display on web and the mobile application.
Geo Location: This is coordinate position map. Before use this feature please do 2 steps
- Select the menu Listar > Settings > Map then check on the option Use Map and insert your Google Map API Key. (How to register Google Map API Key)
- Select the address or pick the location via the map. You’re also can input the Latitude and Longitude directly via the form
How does it look like on the web ?
How does it look like on the mobile ?
Related posts
The related post data will showed on the right side of detail listing screen. Data show will get by conditions
- Get these data similar categories with the listing is being viewed
- Order by date created descending (last data inserted)
First, please access the WordPress admin page and select Appearance > Widgets then select [Listar] Directory View and confirm by Add Widget to the Listar Detail Right Sidebar
We can change the title display and total number of data list on the related box