Format Code

Currently, we have added an ESLint tool for support code formatter and Prettier tool to find and fix problems in this project.

This is an opinionated selection, but which helps to make your project more clean and quality.

Guideline for CLI and extension

CLI for ESLint and Prettier for checking rule and format code

Analyzes your code to quickly find problems

npm run eslint

Fix problems automatically

npm run eslint:fix

Find issue for code formatter (This is optional because this rule have config in ESLint)

npm run prettier

Fix code formatter (This is optional because this rule have config in ESLint)

npm run prettier:fix

Install extension for checking and format code in Visual Studio Code 

Open Visual Studio Code editor & Install these extensions below

Extension for checking rule

ESLint (

Extension for format code

We have config default some condition for auto format code when saving, you can edit in the file

  • .vscode/settings.json
  • .editorconfig

Add husky and lint-staged for checking code when commit

We have config husky and lint-staged for auto to checking rule and format code for both Expo Go (source-expo) and React Native CLI (source), you only need:

  • Push Mazi source code to your repo (Github, Bitbucket …)
  • When you commit code, which auto checking code with config ESLint (Step 1) and Prettier (Step 2)