Mazi Flux

Mazi Flux

Welcome To Mazi Flux documentation.

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this template, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this template and often reveals answers to common problems and issues – read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to pose them in the dedicated support section.

Go ahead to know more.

Getting Start

System Requirements

Base on Flutter requirement. Please select the operating system on which you are installing Flutter:


After unzip the download package, you’ll found a source folder with all the files. The main source code is here. Please see image below.

Mazi Flux – Source Code Structure

How to run Mazi Flux with Android ?

– First, Please using your Android Studio (3.5.3 or last version)
– Android SKD: Please check your Android Studio has installed last SDK. This installs the latest Android SDK, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Build-Tools, which are required by Flutter when developing for Android
– Make sure you already Set up the Android emulator (

Open Android Studio > Open an existing Android Studio project > Select folder ./source

  • 1. Set up the Android emulator if you haven’t added emulator yet
  • 2. Select > Packages Get
  • 3. Select > Packages upgrade
  • 4. Select > Flutter upgrade
  • 5. Select simulator device for run
  • 6. Select for run and wait for get the result
Mazi Flux – Android Setup

How to run Mazi Flux with Ios?

Before you run Mazi Flux project, please make sure you have followed the guideline for Ios

Access to the folder ./source (main source code) and run the command

cd ./source  
open -a Simulator  
flutter run  

Source Structure


File locate: ./lib/widgets/..

Contains all UI widget of application like: Button, Loading, Star Rating, Item, Card, Message …


Contains all Blocs pattern of the application


File locate: ./lib/screens/..

Contains all screens of the application

All template design of the app are locate in here (./lib/screens/..). You could change or re-structure by matching with your own project structure design.


File locate: ./assets/..

You can store images, fonts or other file resource in this folder


File locate: ./lib/utils/..

Contains all utils function like validate form, logger, switch mode theme, color … It looks like helper functions


Mazi Flux – Theme Code Structure

Font Family

The default font family name “Raleway” are being used for this template. If you need change or a custom font to be the prettiest? You’ll need the .ttf files for all supported styles (thin, ultraLight, light, regular, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black …). Here are the few steps you need to add it.

Add more font family in folder ./assets/fonts/..

Example: Download and add more font Roboto [download here]

Mazi Flux – Font Customization

Open file ./pubspec.yaml and change your new fonts

  - family: Raleway-Regular  
      - asset: assets/fonts/Raleway-Regular.ttf  
    fontFamily: 'Raleway-Regular',  


First, please check file ./lib/main.dart and define your list language support

child: MaterialApp(  
    locale: const Locale("en"), //It will be system language if you remove this line  
       supportedLocales: [  //add more support language.  
         const Locale('en', ''),  
         const Locale('ar', ''),  
         const Locale('fa', ''),  
         const Locale('he', ''),  
         const Locale('ps', ''),  
         const Locale('ur', '')  

Then define your json lanuage in folder following your list language ./assets/strings/..

Mazi Flux – Languages

App Name & Icon

Change the app name


Open file ./ios/Runner/Info.plist and replace the Mazi Flux with your app branch name.

<string>Mazi Flux</string>  


Open file ./android/app/src/main/res/values/AndroidManifest.xml and replace Mazi Flux with your app branch name

<application android:label="Mazi Flux">  

Change the app Bundle ID


Using Xcode and open ./ios/Runner.xcworkspace project then modify it

Mazi Flux – IOS ID Change


Searching “applicationId” in build.gradle then modify it

Mazi Flux – Android ID Change

Change the app Icon

Run follow command, The icons will be generate in both Android & iOS

flutter pub get  
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main -f assets/images/app_icon.png  

– assets/images/app_icon.png is path of original icon (recommend size 512x512px)

Mazi Flux – Icon Changes

API & WordPress


Dose it connect any API ?

No, It dose not. It just included template only. We do not connect any API. You have to develop by yourself for matching with your biz.

Dose it collection user information ?

No, It dose not. The mobile template application just simple application with UX/UX.

Can I release the app to both iOS and Android?

Yes, this app is made by Flutter framework which support to release for both iOS and Android, please discover more the framework from 

Will I get the free upgrade on next coming version ?

Yes, you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming. You will get the notify email for new version update on stores.

Source and Credit

We based on Flutter Framework for develop template app.

We have used the following plugins, fonts & images. All fonts, images, icons used in this template are free for commercial use.


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme.

As I said at the beginning, We’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme.

I’ll do our best to assist.
