
Mazi - News & Magazine For React Native Mobile Template

Welcome To Mazi - News & Magazine For React Native Mobile Template documentation.

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this template, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this template and often reveals answers to common problems and issues - read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to pose them in the dedicated support section.

Template Features

Application Demo

Available download on App Store & Google Play

Go ahead to know more.

Getting Start

1. System Requirements

Make sure you have a recent version (10.15 or later) of Node installed globally. We recommend installing Node and Watchman using Homebrew. Run the following commands in a Terminal after installing Homebrew:
			brew install node
			brew install watchman
React Native Developer Tools
Node comes with npm, which lets you install the React Native command line interface. Run the following command in a Terminal:
			npm install -g react-native-cli

2. Installation

After unzip the download pack, you'll found a source folder with all the files. Open a Terminal in source folder and run command

Install node modules
				cd ./source
				npm install
Install cocoapods
				sudo gem install cocoapods
				cd ./ios
				pod update
				pod install
Link fonts and resource icons
				npx react-native link
Run with Ios Simulator
				open -a Simulator
				npx react-native run-ios

Before getting started, please read thoroughly this React Native official docs for how prepare with Android development
After you finished setup for Android, we will move to next step

Install node modules

			cd ./source
			npm install
Link fonts and resource icons
			npx react-native link
installsf Start a development server
			npx react-native start

Using your Android Studio (3.5.3 or last version) and build project with folder ./source/android

- Step 1: ADM Manager - Install your virtual devices for use
- Step 2: Sync project with Gradle files
- Step 3: Select virtual device and Run your application

Video Installation Guide

We also made video for how to set up for Ios and Android

Config Files

File locate: ./app/config/..


File locate: ./app/components/..

Common components that could be used many times in your app: Button, Icon, Text, Filter Sort, Text, Start Rating ...


File locate: ./app/navigation/..


File locate: ./app/screens/..

Then navigation has defined in ./app/navigation/main.js will link with screens locate in folder ./app/screens/..

All template design of the app are locate in here (./app/screens/..). You could change or re-structure by matching with your own project structure design.


File locate: ./app/assets/..

You can store images or other file resource in this folder


File locate: Contain main action and reducers

With React Native template, we're not focus much about redux, we just make sample authentication as temp for control simple login screen


File locate: ./app/utils/..

Commons function for use in the app will be put here, So if you develop or add more common functions, just add it here !

Font Family

The default font family name "Raleway" are being used for this template. If you need change or a custom font to be the prettiest? You'll need the .ttf files for all supported styles (thin, ultraLight, light, regular, medium, semibold, bold, heavy, black ...). Here are the few steps you need to add it.

Add more font family in folder ./app/assets/fonts/..

Example: Download and add more font Roboto [download here]

After added new font, open your terminal and run
			react-native link
Change default font name (You can keep default font and add more prop with new font). Open file ./app/config/typography.js

				export const FontFamily = {
					default: "Roboto"


The template are using color palette following format by image below

You can change the theme prop dynamically and all the components will automatically update to reflect the new theme. Open file ./app/config/color.js

				export const BaseColor = {
					primaryColor: "#FF2D55", // primary color for your app, usually your brand color.
					darkPrimaryColor: "#F90030", // color is darker base on BaseColor.primaryColor
					lightPrimaryColor: "#FF5E80", // // color is lighter base on BaseColor.primaryColor
					accentColor: "#4A90A4", // secondary color for your app which complements the primary color.
					textPrimaryColor: "#212121", // text color for content.
					textSecondaryColor: "#E0E0E1", // text color for content.
					grayColor: "#9B9B9B", // gray color, just common using for app
					darkBlueColor: "#24253D", // dark blue color, just common using for app
					dividerColor: "#BDBDBD", // color for separator 
					whiteColor: "#FFFFFF", // white color
					fieldColor: "#F5F5F5", // common field color like input, text area
					yellowColor: "#FDC60A", // just another color use for the app
					navyBlue: "#3C5A99" // just another color use for the app
The main color palettes following properties: If you want to customize colors or for matching with your business colors. Just refer more with websites below for pickup right color palettes


To maintain clean and consistent typography your application, we support define main StyleSheet following ./app/config/typography.js
				export const Typography = StyleSheet.create({
					header: {
						fontSize: 34,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					title1: {
						fontSize: 28,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					title2: {
						fontSize: 22,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					title3: {
						fontSize: 20,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					headline: {
						fontSize: 17,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					body1: {
						fontSize: 17,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					body2: {
						fontSize: 14,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					callout: {
						fontSize: 17,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					subhead: {
						fontSize: 15,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					footnote: {
						fontSize: 13,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
						fontFamily: FontFamily.default
					caption1: {
						fontSize: 12,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
							fontFamily: FontFamily.default
						caption2: {
							fontSize: 11,
							fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
							fontFamily: FontFamily.default
						overline: {
							fontSize: 10,
							fontWeight: FontWeight.regular,
							fontFamily: FontFamily.default
How to use common StyleSheet for other StyleSheet ?
				import { BaseColor, Typography, FontWeight } from "@config";
				export default StyleSheet.create({   
					textDefault: {
						...Typography.headline, // Typography > headline 
						color: BaseColor.whiteColor,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.semibold


To maintain clean and consistent font weight your application, we support define common font weight following ./app/config/typography.js
				export const FontWeight = {
					thin: "100",
					ultraLight: "200",
					light: "300",
					regular: "400",
					medium: "500",
					semibold: "600",
					bold: "700",
					heavy: "800",
					black: "900"
How to use common FontWeight for other StyleSheet ?
				import { BaseColor, Typography, FontWeight } from "@config";
				export default StyleSheet.create({   
					textDefault: {
						color: BaseColor.whiteColor,
						fontWeight: FontWeight.semibold // FontWeight > semibold 
Dose it connect any API ?

No, It dose not. It just included template only. We do not connect any API. You have to develop by yourself for matching with your biz.

Dose it collection user information ?

No, It dose not. The mobile template application just simple application with UI/UX.

Dose it use 3rd party for develop UI/UX like React NativeBase, React Native Elements ?

No, It dose not. It is using pure React Native for develop. If you would like to include React NativeBase or React Native Elements ... You can do that.

Can I release the app to both iOS and Android?

Yes, as this is made by React Native framework which support to release for both iOS and Android, please discover more the framework fromĀ

Will I get the free upgrade on next coming version ?

Yes, you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming. You will get the notify email for new version update on stores.

Support Issue Channel on Github
We based on pure React Native for develop travel template app.

We have used the following plugins, fonts and images. All fonts, images, icons used in this template are free for commercial use.



				"@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.6.2",
				"@react-native-community/viewpager": "^2.0.1",
				"prop-types": "^15.7.2",
				"react": "16.9.0",
				"react-native": "0.61.2",
				"react-native-animatable": "^1.3.3",
				"react-native-fast-image": "^7.0.2",
				"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.4.1",
				"react-native-gifted-chat": "^0.9.11",
				"react-native-maps": "^0.26.1",
				"react-native-modal": "^11.4.0",
				"react-native-modal-datetime-picker": "^7.6.0",
				"react-native-reanimated": "^1.3.0",
				"react-native-screens": "^2.0.0-alpha.6",
				"react-native-splash-screen": "^3.2.0",
				"react-native-swiper": "^1.6.0-rc.2",
				"react-native-vector-icons": "^6.6.0",
				"react-navigation": "^4.0.10",
				"react-navigation-stack": "^1.10.3",
				"react-navigation-tabs": "^2.5.6",
				"react-redux": "^7.1.1",
				"redux": "^4.0.4",
				"redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
				"redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
				"redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
				"rn-range-slider": "^1.3.0"

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme.

As I said at the beginning, We'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme.

I'll do our best to assist.
